Major South African Insurance Company Suffers Data Breach Review

By | October 3, 2022
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Hello, guys, we will show you in this article Major South African Insurance Company Suffers Data Breach Review please watch below: Data breaches have been reported by QSure Insurance Company in South Africa. As a result of this incident, sensitive information such as bank account details were stolen by a third party, according to Money Web.

Major South African Insurance Company Suffers Data Breach Review

Major South African Insurance Company Suffers Data Breach Review Description

Any QSure customer who has paid by cash card may face a breach. QSure enlisted the help of three leading cybersecurity companies to investigate the security incident.

The company said it had notified both business and appropriate regulatory authorities. In addition, they will continue to provide assistance while the information technology platform has been rehabilitated and all relevant security measures have been implemented.

“This data only applies to policy sellers who are QSure customers (insurers and brokers) and include bank details, account name, bank account number, and bank branch code. None. No, ”said the CEO. “The insured’s ID number, credit card details, contact details, or policy contents are not stored in the QSure database and therefore cannot be compromised.”

On June 17, a compromise was found on the security of their systems when Hallard warned insurance customers about the situation via email. As of June 9, strange performance was found on QSure servers, and as a precaution, the company would immediately shut down all external communications before resuming operations in a fully protected environment.

QSure did now no longer point out whether or not it is aware of who’s in charge of the incident

QSure did now no longer reply to inquiries concerning whether or not the agency is aware of who changed into chargeable for the incident or how their structures have been compromised.

In a statement, Hollard recommended to customers that consumer statistics saved at the QSure database ought to fall into the palms of undesirable parties. According to the agency, the compromised records blanketed financial institution account numbers, department statistics, and the account holder’s name. If cybercriminals start to make use of these statistics, the chance of fraud and identification robbery increases.

Hollard advised its customers to be particularly suspicious of textual content messages, e-mails, and call calls inquiring for personal statistics, and to refuse giving out touchy statistics, particularly PINs and passwords, to any unknown party.

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