The Perlisco developer announced this week their new game, Tour Avon, which aims to deal with a 10-year-old girl’s non-violent sub-situation in history. Torn Away will place players in Asia, where it is trying to find its way through war-torn parts of Europe. After escaping from the labor camp, he has to flee through several countries in search of his home, and finally find a sense of peace in a world of chaos and chaos.
Torn Away Examines World War II From A Non-Violent Perspective Review Description
Asia can’t use any violence, but the team has worked very hard to make sure the gameplay during the Black Horse will be interesting. The game of stealth as Asia focuses on escaping from troops and is tasked with finding food and shelter while seeking the destruction of Germany and Poland.
Pearlysock promises that Torn Avon will have an emotional story from a new perspective, along with an effective soundtrack and hedge game. However, it may take some time for us to try everything for ourselves, as the games will not be released on computers until the end of 2021.